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Monthly Archives Category Total: 11.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
William Kelly

Todd Leventhal: The Minister of Diz at Dealey Plaza

The State Dept. official entrusted with dealing with the JFK conspiracy relies on Reclaiming History as his guide, as William Kelly shows. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Bob Fox

Deeper into Dave Perry

There is a lot more to the Bledsoe arrest report than Dave Perry ever let on. Perry's writing is so incomplete, so one-sided, so agenda-driven as to be misleading. Which, as we have seen with Discover...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Seamus Coogan

Alex Jones on the Kennedy Murder, Addendum: Who is James Bamford? And what was he doing with the ARRB?

What follows isn't so much an examination of Operation Northwoods, but how it came to be so entwined with the Kennedy assassination, very often incorrectly, writes Seamus Coogan. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

The Impossible One Day Journey of CE 399

Jim DiEugenio presents the currently known issues in the chain of possession of CE 399, the so-called Magic Bullet, which undermine claims it is authentic. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
J. P. Mroz

The Real Wikipedia? Will the Real Wikipedia Please Stand Up?

Mroz makes the central focus of this article the disinformation within JFK research data. But more specifically, a provable purveyor of such disinformation: that self-described "free, web-based, colla...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Seamus Coogan

Point–Counterpoint: Feedback–Response on CTKA's Recent Focus on Alex Jones

Gary King responds to part 1 of Seamus Coogan's article on Alex Jones, and Seamus replies. ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

Von Pein/Colbert Replies, and the Comedy Continues?

As Gil Jesus has noted, Von Pein is a lost and silly person. He likes to call Commission critics "kooks" and "nuts" to disguise his own imbalances. Namely, that he is in denial of the evidence, writes...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
David Mantik

JFK Autopsy X-rays: David Mantik vs. Pat Speer

David Mantik replies to criticisms made by Pad Speer of his conclusions concerning the 6.5 mm bright object and the "white patch". ...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
James DiEugenio

David Von Pein: Hosting Comedy Central Soon?

He has been trying to sell Reclaiming History as the Holy Grail to the JFK case for about five years. To put it mildly, it hasn't panned out as he claimed. He can't admit that. Since because of his un...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Seamus Coogan

Alex Jones on the Kennedy Murder: A Painful Case, Part II

Though my extensive examination of Bermas's film Invisible Empire may seem to take us off the path of Alex Jones and the Kennedy case, Kennedy is still very much in the picture, if a little more to th...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Seamus Coogan

Alex Jones on the Kennedy Murder: A Painful Case

Jones, the self-styled conspiracy baron, is so polarizing within his own crank territory, that it was hard to find any credible voices in critique of him. I hope this fills that gap, writes Seamu...

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