Friday, 23 June 2017 00:47

How Max Holland Duped the Daily Beast

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For many, many years now Holland has been ignoring the declassified records of the ARRB. Even when he was supposed to be reporting on those files. The fact that he still does so, even on the eve of their final disbursement, tells us all we need to know about him, concludes Jim DiEugenio.
Thursday, 22 June 2017 21:51

The Deceptions and Disguises of Noam Chomsky

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In response to a scene in John Barbour's recent film, Jim DiEugenio once again drives home the contradictions, lack of attention to scholarly standards of historical analysis, and dishonesty in the position adopted by Noam Chomsky on both JFK's presidency and the facts and circumstances of his assassination.
Friday, 19 May 2017 22:13

The 2017 Houston Mock Trial of Oswald

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New York Lawyer Larry Schnapf summarizes the previous mock trials of Lee Harvey Oswald from 1967 to the present, and discusses the upcoming trial this November in Houston in which he will participate as counsel for the defense along with Bill Simpich.
Monday, 17 April 2017 16:56

JFK at 100

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On May 29, 2017, the nation commemorated the 100th birthday of President John F. Kennedy. As we all know, Kennedy was cut down before reaching the age of 50. Yet, his short term in office still casts a giant shadow over contemporary American history.  As author Larry Sabato has shown, the vast majority of Americans believe that something went wrong with America after he was assassinated. We take this opportunity to remind us all of what might have been and to commemorate what was.  And it's important, too, to learn about the many things Kennedy achieved while in office, but which you won't hear about from today's mainstream media. The images below are linked to a four-part slideshow and afterword featuring highlights from the life and political career of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States, which we hope you will find informative. ~Jim DiEugenio  
Two excerpts from 2016 Mary Ferrell New Frontier Award recipient Bart Kamp's compendious review of the evidence and testimony arguing against the official story that Roy Truly and Marrion Baker encountered Oswald in the 2nd floor lunchroom.
Friday, 07 April 2017 22:22

The Abstract Reality of Edward Epstein

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As I have written elsewhere, we will never really know the complete extent of Garrison’s files, because so many of them were lost, stolen or incinerated by his successor, the disastrous Harry Connick. But what did survive reduces Epstein’s weird world to rubble, concludes Jim DiEugenio.
Wednesday, 05 April 2017 22:00

Focus on the Media: Edward J. Epstein

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Jim DiEugenio reviews the career of Edward J. Epstein, who has recently come under attack for his concoctions concerning Edward Snowden – all too familiar to students of the JFK assassination in the way they echo his equally questionable construction of Oswald as Soviet agent.
The most inadvertently humorous part of Carpenter’s pathetic essay comes at the end. There he praises Oliver Stone for helping create the declassification process of the ARRB. Why is that funny? It's funny because this essay does not use any of those ARRB declassified documents it credits Stone for releasing, quips Jim DiEugenio.
Paul Schrade and Allard Lowenstein discuss the 1968 assassination of Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles, particularly focusing upon the need to reopen the case to uncover the real events. Broadcast on KPFK, 13 Jan. 1973. Transcription courtesy of David Giglio, Our Hidden History.
Sunday, 26 February 2017 19:09

Creating the Oswald Legend – Part 1

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In the first part of this projected multi-part series, the author reviews Oswald's "defection" to the USSR in the light of Cold War games and his possible connection to them, and proposes an interesting twist on what the role of his stay there may have been.
Saturday, 25 February 2017 16:44

Was Oswald a Serial Wife Batterer?

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We re-present here the author's systematic analysis of the testimony taken by the Warren Commission from nineteen witnesses on the subject. With his usual acuteness, he managed to perform a tour de force of separating the wheat from the chaff on the issue.
Sunday, 12 February 2017 21:24

Remembering Malcolm X: February 21, 2017

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On the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X, we thought it fitting to reflect upon the significance of his life and death by offering to our readers three wonderfully written and penetrating essays. 
Fidel Castro's speech, broadcast on Cuban radio and television on Saturday evening, November 23, 1963, concerning the assassination of President Kennedy, reprinted here thanks to David Giglio at Our Hidden History.
Saturday, 21 January 2017 22:16

The Magic Scalp

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Milicent Cranor refutes John Canal's claim that the back-of-the-head JFK autopsy photo was taken after the morticians reconstructed the head, supposedly moving the scalp from the back to the front, dragging with it the entrance wound, and covering up bone damage.
In tribute to Dr. King, we rerun three of the best pieces from Probe magazine concerning the civil trial in Memphis which concluded by exonerating James Earl Ray of King's murder.
Extralegal assassinations, unwarranted domestic surveillance, interventionist wars at the behest of corporate interests, torture or other activities of that stripe – these all have their roots in the Dulles era in which covert, corporate power developed into a well-oiled and unaccountable machine running roughshod. These dark forces have continued to operate regardless of who is elected president; and the refusal to face them has caused the Democratic Party to lose its way, writes Alex Sill.
Writing of his gratuitous ignorance of the facts of the JFK case, Prof. Fernandez asserts that "[James] Piereson likes to walk among ghosts", and that he is joined in this by Regnery Publishing, which has muddied the Castro-did-it waters with the issue of Robert Wilcox's Target JFK.  
Paul Bleau suggests that historians need to examine the similarities of the (failed) attempts on Kennedy's life in Chicago, L.A. and Tampa, and their links to executive action M.O., and to draw the more probable conclusions from this comparative methodology.

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